Rider's Training Manual
Chapter Ten - Parade Formations
( II.4.1-4)
( III.11.1-7:19-13.i.3a.iv-vi.:16.i.18.i-ii.20.i-ii.)
108. Special Instructions for Various Arms.
1. Mounted Units. – In all movements troops will look to the front (except when passing the reviewing officer at the walk), ride on the curb rein only and without rising at the trot, with the stirrup under the ball of the foot.
At the halt, troops will be dressed from the flank and not by the centre.
In Marching past, the dressing will be on the troop leader nearest to the reviewing officer; in Ranking past the dressing will be on the flank man nearest to the reviewing officer; when a standard is on parade dressing will be by the centre.
109. Unit Organization.
1. For ceremonial purposes units will be organized as follows :-
(a) Mounted Units – in two ranks, with serefile, as strong as possible in accordance with establishment.
Note.- When parading dismounted, mounted units will conform with the instructions given for dismounted troops.
2. Colours, etc., will be paraded.
3. The band will be on parade and will form up eight paces in rear of the centre.
110. Dressing on Markers.
(a) When forming on markers, mounted troops will be halted well in rear of the alignment.
(b) “Troop leaders – Dress on the Markers” The troop leaders with swords at the Carry will be dressed from the right by the squadron second-in-command, care being taken to get the exact intervals between leaders by pacing if necessary. When the troop leaders are dressed the command “Troop leaders, Steady. Eyes front” will be given.
(c) “Dress on the leaders – Walk-march” Troops leaders will stand steady. The remainder will move forward.
(d) “Halt – Dress” This command will be given when the line is 1 1/2 horse-lengths in rear of the line of troop leaders. The squadron leader will then dress his squadron , seeing that the centre guide is accurately positioned one horse-length in rear of the line of troop leaders. The second-in-command will be responsible that the troop leaders remain accurately dressed. When the dressing is completed, the command “Eyes Front” will be given.
111. Review Order in Line.
For inspection and paying complements when halted and, in the case of dismounted troops, for marching past in slow time, the following preparatory procedure will be adopted.
1. Mounted Units.
(a) Take order – The flank man of the rear rank of the squadron will turn outwards, move to the rear and, turning about again, will mark a distance of three horse-lengths from the front rank.
(b) March- (Officers will Carry swords) – The rear rank will rein back until it is in line with the flank man ; serrefile officers and the standard or guidon will come to the front between the troop leaders, and take up their dressing. The squadron second-in -command will dress the rear rank of the squadron and serrefiles, and on completion will give the command “Eyes Front”.
(c) Slope swords. Close order – March. These commands will be given when the inspection of the ranks is completed. The rear rank will move up, and the serrefiles, standard or guidon resume their places.